CodeShield for Arduino – Diyode

The Diyode Codeshield is an arduino shield (add-on board) designed to make the process of learning (and, more importantly, teaching) arduino much more engaging and accessible.
CodeShield for Arduino – Diyode
The Diyode CodeShield was developed to make the process of learning code, specifically arduino code, much more intuitive and engaging. The idea is simple: put all the common inputs and outputs on a single board……
The Diyode Code Shield has:
switch, button, potentiometer, rotary encoder, thermistor, photocell, and hall effect sensor.
Piezo buzzer, servo motor, RGB LED, LED, and a relay with screw terminals.
“The Codeshield is a product of the Diyode Community Workshop. Diyode is a non-profit organization in Guelph, Ontario. Our mandate is to support, evangelize and teach DIY, focusing on woodworking, metal working and electronics.”