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Science Hobbyist – Amateur Science


Science Hobbyist – Amateur Science

Amateur Science, Cool Science, Gravity, Energy, Fusion, Tesla Coil Page. Neodymium Supermagnets, Science Toys. Significantly Worthwhile Books, Science Fair Ideas, Science Demos Articles, Experiments, Exhibits, Kids’ Science Projects, The Science Club.

Electronics Hobbyist

Projects for beginners, articles on electronics and electrical science, Tesla coils, electrostatic devices, and resource links for the hobbyist and educator.


William J. Beaty

Research Engineer HV/Electrostatics specialist, Lecturer, Sci. Exhibit Designer, Textbook Consultant, Amateur Physicist

“In the past I’ve spent time as an embedded designer and software engineer, consulted on textbooks, lectured about electricity education, designed science projects for kids, and built physics exhibits while running the electronics dept. at the Museum of Science in Boston.”



dapj means digital analog power junction

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