Solar Piezoelectric Cell

Sometime around 2008 i wrote this. It is more of Humor and less of Reality.
Vibration ย Pressure are Related, Pressure is related to Temperature, Sunlight has Infra Red & Heating Ability. This should Ring some Bell.
You have Heard of Solar Cells and Panels, Sunlight to Power. Heard of Piezoelectric Energy, Vibration to Electricity
Solar – Heat – Pressure – Vibration – Electricity !! New Hybrid Solar Cell ! Someone has to just Invent it. It should Flash a few Lamps.
Micro Mech Lithography. Tiny Cantilevers, Tiny Silicone bulb of Volatile Liquid. Mini Lens Heats the bulb. Cantilever is bent a few Microns.
Pressure sensitive valve deflates Bulb suddenly, The Piezoelectric Cantilever goes Twang. The Electric Pulses charge a Supercap and battery.
The Vaporized Liquid has Condensed, it goes back to the cells by Gravity, The Shrunk Bulb draws the liquid. Ready for next Cycle.
If it works, credit me, else all credits go to Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Once upon a Time – ย by delabs