VK5JST Amateur Radio Ideas with Photos

The new Ham Project Pages are VHF/HF Aerial Analyser, A 600MHz Frequency Counter. ย Then there is a an ESR Meter for Electrolytic Capacitors.
VK5JST Amateur Radio Ideas with Photos
With a two tone tester, a dummy load and an oscilloscope, a transmitter can be really put through its paces. Two tone testing consists of applying two clean non-harmonically related sine waves of approximately equal amplitude to the audio input of an SSB transmitter.
The sine waves are typically around 600 – 700Hz and 1800 – 2000Hz i.e. about 300Hz from either end of the audio pass band.
This project was published in the September 2004 issue of the Australian magazine “Amateur Radio”.
Other Readworthy Pages
- Easy PCB’s Made With Kitchen Appliances
- How to Make a Q Meter
- Making a High Current 13.8 VOLT Supply For SSB Transceivers
- VK5MM’s excellent amateur radio homepage
- Transformer Construction Details
- Shortform Method of Designing Power Transformers
The photos at VK5JST Homepage are very educative and express the idea better than words. – delabs