Amplimo – Toroidal Transformers Amplifiers

Amplimo has got a very large range of toroidal transformers available directly from stock. Standard range transformers have been approved by KEMA and UL . Built and tested according to the international standard EN61558 .
Amplimo – Toroidal Transformers
Sstandard range have a 230V primary and two equal secondary windings. These windings can be used individually or can be used in series or in parallel.
Standard range transformers are also available with 2x 115V primary to be used in series or in parallel. – Here you can order Toroidal Transformers.
Amplimo presents a generation of amplifier modules offering outstanding advantages, allowing the rapid construction of quality audio amplifiers for many applications. These hybrid modules contain the complete audio amplifier circuit for connection between the preamplifier or mixer and loudspeaker, they are very stable even with complex loads and are therefore very reliable as the likelyhood of oscillation has been reduced to a minimum.
Amplimo BV
Industrieweg 14, NL7161BX, NEEDE, The Netherlands.