Build Holiday Electronics Projects

“This Christmas, Make and Give to someone that needs it most. That is the real spirit.” – dapj
micro-readerboard Christmas tree ornament displays a short message, one letter at a time, on a bright single-character alphanumeric LED display. In the animation here, the ornament is displaying the word ornament.”
Each ornament is pre-programmed with a list of 36 different short phrases. Every time that an ornament is switched off and back on, it picks a new message from its memory to repeat.
Holiday Projects –
Holiday (Fun Circuits)
25 Light Sequencer using Xmas Lamps – drive 25 small Xmas lights. The lights operate at about 200mA and 3 volts, Anti-Flicker Circuit for LED Christmas Lights. Bells ring Generator – Three circuit options; Can be synchronized to Christmas tree flashing lights.
Christmas related Circuits – Christmas Flashing-LEDs Badge – Two-LEDs follow the rhythm of music or speech. Suitable for pins, badges, Christmas decorations. Programmable LED Flashers LED goes to steady state after a preset number of flashes Two simple, wide supply range operating circuits
Christmas Decoration Project
This project flashes 18 LEDs at three different rates and you can use these to create an eye-catching Christmas Decoration. The circuit is kept simple (and low cost) by using the 4060B IC which is a counter and oscillator (clock) in one package.
Ready Kits –
Christmas Season Electronic Animated Display Kits
ApogeeKits flashing Christmas tree electronic kit makes a beautiful lighted holiday display. 12 multi-colored LEDs flash randomly. May be powered by a 9 volt battery or a DC power adapter for long term continuous use. User assembly of components and soldering is required.
Grantronics Christmas Tree
“Last November, we published the very popular Christmas Star. This year, our “just for fun” project is in the shape of a tree but we have gone one step further by using bi-coloured LEDs. There are many different light patterns and each LED can produce 16 different colours.”