MCU 8051 IDE and other Tools

A modern graphical IDE for microcontrollers based on 8051. MCU 8051 IDE is an integrated development enviroment. Supported programming languages are C and assembly. It has its own assembler and support for 2 external assemblers. For C language it uses SDCC compiler.
This IDE contains simulator, source code editor, assembler, HW programmer and much other tools. Simulator supports over 79 MCU primarily from Atmel.
8051 Development Tools by Chin-Shiuh Shieh
Assembler, Simulator, Programmer, Debugger, C Compiler, BASIC Compiler, Pascal Compiler, Disassembler and Terminal Emulator.
BASCOM-8051 is the Windows BASIC COMPILER for the 8051 family and BASCOM-AVR is the original Windows BASIC COMPILER for the AVR family.