VU Meter Circuits and Projects

Here is a collection of web pages of VU Meter projects that helps a newbie getting into the Electronics DIY Hobby Land. A Hobby now in your School days or College can help you build a strong profession later. It is Edutainment that will make productive use of your spare time. Friends can do it as a group, during holidays.
Parents should encourage healthy hobbies, as the children will grow in a positive and creative atmosphere.
VU-meter by Archy – Then it hit me. A VU meter, big, beautiful, professional! From that moment started my thoughts flowing. Those VU-meter ICs that are sold in every electronics shop?
LM3914 dot-bar display driver – The LM3914 is a monolithic integrated circuit that senses analog voltage levels and drives 10 LEDs, providing a linear analog display.
Knight Rider Display Project – This project started out as a VU meter. I reused parts and pieces to improve the VU meter and give it additional functionality. It is amazing how much time it takes to create a small thing like this.