Periodic Table and other Calculators

Periodic table of the elements contains the basic data about the elements in five languages. niG. Chemistry Assistant An expression calculator for fast calculation of molecular weight of compounds by simple entry of chemical formula (the element symbols can be written in lowercase letters). The calculator also provides a list of common physical constants and performs various conversions between English and metric units.
Scientific calculator Sci.Calc is a fully-functioning JavaScript calculator that contain of practically any common and many advanced calculator functions (cosine, sine, tangent, power, square root, exponents, etc.).
EniG. Chemistry Assistant is an expression calculator for fast calculation of molecular weight of compounds by simple entry of chemical formula, and replaces the element symbols with their atomic weight. The program translates texts with chemical element symbols or without them into a mathematical expression and calculates them. The program includes functions for statistical analysis, solving the quadratic equation, physical constants, and prepare solution calculator.
Periodic Table of the Elements – shows the change of the standard state of elements with the change of temeperature on 7 languages.
EniG. Periodic Table of the Elements
ASCII Periodic Table of the Elements
Printable periodic table – Colour version
Scientific calculator for chemists – the best online scientific calculator for chemists.
Learning Electronics by Hobby DIY is not Complete without a sound Knowledge of Materials, A Periodic table Reference will help in Understanding the Metals and Semiconductors.
Every Metal has a potential for a New Component Discovery, Even a Breakthrough in SuperConductivity at Room Temperature will change the way we build Gadgets !
Elektrick the Power Jedi