Revealing the Ideas behind Circuits

Electronic circuitry is more art than science. Inventing novel electronic circuits is a result of human fantasy, imagination and enthusiasm.
Revealing the Ideas behind Circuits
We treat electronic circuitry not only as a science, but also as an art. Inventing novel electronic circuits is a result of human fantasy, imagination and enthusiasm.
Fortunately, abstract electronic circuits are based on clear and simple ideas, which we may derive from our human routine. In order to really understand how circuits operate, we have first to reveal the basic ideas on which they are grounded…”
This book is part of a series on Electric Circuits:
The aim of this book is to teach you simple analogue and digital electronics at a practical level. For the in-depth theory of electronics, please read the Electronics Textbook. By the end of this book, you should be able to combine circuit elements to create more complex circuits, and have an understanding of how it works.