Erik Grindheim and Engineering Assistant
Some projects are Audio VU meters, Serial Port PIC programmer and other interesting articles. The low and high logic levels are displayed by LEDs,which are OFF if the probe tip is floating or connectedto...
Some projects are Audio VU meters, Serial Port PIC programmer and other interesting articles. The low and high logic levels are displayed by LEDs,which are OFF if the probe tip is floating or connectedto...
Danish Audio ConnecT. High quality audio parts. High-End Audio Parts for Hi-Fi, A/V and Pro-Audio. DACT products are used by audio and A/V audio equipment manufacturers and by DIY audiophiles throughout the world.
If you want to build electronic circuits, you need to connect the components of your circuit somehow. If you expect to make your circuit work more than just a few times, you need a...
Kalle Hyvönen an electronics enthusiast from Finland has made many interesting. In childhood dismantling of all kinds of electronic devices was his main occupation. That is what makes him a Wizard Today. Electronic DIY...
Mechanics and electronics DIY project. Information for Robotics and Small Machine Automation. HobbyMechatronics – DIY Mechanics Robotics DIY microstepping motor driver Sherline Lathe CNC (mill) conversion XMEGA, the Perfect Robotics Microcontroller?
Amateur radio homepage by Lars Petersen of Holstebro, Denmark. The Useful Articles include some good rules for the QRPer and Main HF rig and antenna. Lars Petersen OZ1BXM QRP Denmark CW, QRP, and satellites....
Why learn the Code ? By LA5EKA, Gisle J. Bjoerneseth This article is also posted on EHam, in the Norwegian “Amatoerradio” magazine April 2003 edition and in the MVARC April 2003 newsletter, Ye Olde...
Hans Christian Ørsted – Electromagnetism “He found that the magnetized needle of a compass was deflected whenever the electric current through a voltaic pile “ Google the pages of Hans Christian Ørsted Image from...