QRP and homebrew by DL2YEO
“My name is Udo and I am living in the small village called Spenge, about 15 km north of Bielefeld. The DARC radio club is ‘OV Widukind – N59’ and the locator is JO42FD....
Test Instruments and Small Tools for a Hobby Lab
“My name is Udo and I am living in the small village called Spenge, about 15 km north of Bielefeld. The DARC radio club is ‘OV Widukind – N59’ and the locator is JO42FD....
PCB Design Tutorial – As published in Silicon Chip magazine Oct-Dec 2003. A very comprehensive three part tutorial on how to professionally design and lay out PCBs. Learn all the tricks of the trade!...
Amateur Science, Cool Science, Gravity, Energy, Fusion, Tesla Coil Page. Neodymium Supermagnets, Science Toys. Significantly Worthwhile Books, Science Fair Ideas, Science Demos Articles, Experiments, Exhibits, Kids’ Science Projects, The Science Club. Electronics Hobbyist Projects...
This is a colorful, useful and educative project from Erlich Industrial Development, Corp. You will learn using Op-Amps as comparators and also LED bar graph analog display. Voltage Monitoring is an Electronics board that...
This is another LED lamp from China, these people make nice lamps and also good designs of the plastic enclosure. Here by a clever enclosure design it is both a emergency mains bulb and...
A site for electronic hobbyists, includes all kinds of small electronics hobby circuits. Now in the wayback archive. Lauriers Handy Dandy Little Circuits Some of the Projects are Temperature Controlled Soldering Iron, Digital Capacitance...
This was designed, keeping in mind, that sometimes we have few components available and we could be flat broke. Even that you could not carry your DMM somewhere, but you have to make some...
Ronald Dekker’s Nixie Tube Projects and Software. He has many interesting projects like “Mixed-Signal” LED clock, The µTracer, a miniature tube curve tracer. A Tiny 80(C)31 Basic Board. Electronic Projects of Ronald I Colored...